Launched in 2000, the United Nations Global Compact is the widest Corporate Sustainability initiative worldwide. It currently includes over 19,000 member entities in over 160 countries and has 76 local networks.
In Spain, over 2,100 organisations have joined the initiative, which turns it into the local network with the highest number of member entities and, as such, the most significant one worldwide.
MISSION: “to mobilise a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want”.
The initiative provides a framework based on principles, good practices, resources, tools and networking – that is, an exclusive and complete value contribution which has revolutionised the way companies make business in a responsible manner and maintain their commitments to society.
Adhering to the Global Compact means that Sidenor commits to aligning its operations with Ten Principles that are universally accepted in the areas of Human Rights, labour regulations, environment and the fight against corruption, and to adopting measures that support the United Nations objectives currently enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Sidenor has joined thousands of companies worldwide and commits to performing responsible corporate actions in order to create the world that we want.
Every year, Sidenor shall provide a progress report in order to justify its performances in terms of corporate sustainability.
Corporate sustainability starts with the value system of a company and a focus on principles to do business. This means that it needs to proceed in such a way as to comply, at least, with fundamental responsibilities in terms of:
In addition, the United Nations Global Compact provides an annual training plan at national and international level for all entities which bet on continuous learning as a key to reach their objectives and optimise their resources.
The United Nations Global Compact includes training solutions of quality that are aligned with each company’s corporate strategy.