At Sidenor, we believe that human beings are of greater value than any other objective of the company. For this reason, no emergency, production or economic situation can compromise the integrity of our workers. Thus, led by the Management, with the participation of all workers and with the support from the prevention services, we continue working day after day to be a safer and healthier company and to reach the objective of zero accident.
For this purpose, we promote and foster a preventive culture of safety by dedicating all our efforts to the various actions implemented in the work of all people, with the sole objective to eradicate accidents in the company. This philosophy is reflected in our internal policies as well as our scrupulous compliance with current occupational health and safety regulations.
In addition, the search for ongoing improvement allows us to learn from the most outstanding practices in the sector and implement them systematically in our centres and activities. We also provide the entire staff with specific prevention training so as to raise their awareness on the importance of this issue and align them with Sidenor’s strategies and objectives, as well as to fulfil legal and training requirements according to the regulations which are adopted year after year.
Sidenor sees its suppliers as strategic allies, as they are directly linked to the quality of products and services, as well as to safety in work areas and company sustainability. For this reason, Sidenor works together with its suppliers so that these might implement responsible practices towards people and the environment.
The access control of contracted personnel to our facilities is managed through the CTAIMA platform. Thanks to this platform, the contracted personnel can easily manage their documentation and Sidenor can better control accesses and facilitate the management of contracted staffs and their workers.
In line with our commitment to safety, we became in 2018 the first company in the Spanish steelmaking sector to obtain the certification according to ISO 45001 standard.