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Equality Plan

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Equality Plan

In 2017, we started developing Sidenor’s first Equality Plan, a project which finally came into existence in 2018, after a major collective effort, and positions us one step ahead in the iron and steel sector.
In July 2024, the second Equality Plan for the entire Sidenor Group was signed, thus renewing our commitment to equality. One of our key objectives is to increase the presence of women in traditionally male-dominated positions, especially in the workshops.

Objectives of Sidenor’s Equality Plan



Raise awareness and train the entire organisation in the principle of equal opportunities for men and women.


Awareness Raising

Encourage the use of non-sexist inclusive language in all areas.

Guarantee the specific employment conditions for female victims of gender violence.


Balance between Family and Working Life

Facilitate a balance for the personal life, family life and working life of the Sidenor Group workforce and encourage co-responsibility between men and women.


Selection and Incorporation

Guarantee equality in future recruitment processes.


Health at Work

Guarantee inclusion of the gender perspective in the assessment and prevention of occupational hazards.


Corporate Commitment

Make equality one of the Company’s strategic objectives.

Prevent and, as applicable, eliminate gender discrimination at the Business, either directly or indirectly.

Make the gender perspective part of management at the Business.

Correct any imbalances between men and women that may be present in various areas.

Externally, we have aligned our commitment to our surroundings with the purpose of our Equality Plan and we have maintained a collaboration with sport entities focused on giving visibility to women’s sport. We believe that our Equality Plan and its resulting initiatives imply a big step forward, although we will continue working to further improve in the matter. Thus, we will continue promoting policies and measures which favor the inclusion of women in a traditionally male sector.