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Equality Plan

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Equality Plan

In 2017, we started developing Sidenor’s first Equality Plan, a project which finally came into existence in 2018, after a major collective effort, and positions us one step ahead in the iron and steel sector.
The Plan, which was agreed with union majority and will remain in force for five years, has been implemented in the work centers of the Basque Country, Cantabria, Castilla – La Mancha and Catalonia. Through this document, we want to reach seven key objectives, focused on equality, conciliation, training and, ultimately, improving the quality of life of Sidenor professionals. For this purpose, we have implemented transversal measures for its effective development.

Objectives of Sidenor’s Equality Plan

Selection and incorporation

Selection interview protocol which ensures transparency and equal chances.

Professional development and promotion

Specific internal talent programs which encourage the promotion of women.

Health at work

Protocol of action regarding pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Awareness raising

Training sessions on equality for the staff and non-sexist language and image guide.

Non-sexist language and image guide


Development and implementation of a Training Plan with relevant milestones such as opinion surveys and dissemination of the plan in corporate channels.


Conclusion of collaboration agreements with training centers.

Balance between family and working life

Training courses and professional retraining for employees returning to work after family-related leaves.

Financial support for the care of minors affected by serious illnesses or with a physical or psychic disability.

Integration of compatible work schedules so that couples working in the company might look after their children.

Paid leaves in order to accompany dependent ascendants or descendants to a medical or specialist visit.

Implementation and management of a Working Hours Adjustment Plan (Plan de Adaptación Laboral) with the aim to promote and facilitate labor conciliation through 100% reductions in working hours and leaves for the care of children or dependent persons.

Externally, we have aligned our commitment to our surroundings with the purpose of our Equality Plan and we have maintained a collaboration with sport entities focused on giving visibility to women’s sport. We believe that our Equality Plan and its resulting initiatives imply a big step forward, although we will continue working to further improve in the matter. Thus, we will continue promoting policies and measures which favor the inclusion of women in a traditionally male sector.