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Home > News  > Sidenor remains very committed in its strategy of pursuing excellence in refractory waste management

According to the current best practices, the company already holds a leading position among steel companies, but the recent approval and development of two European research projects, named after the acronyms “5RefrAct” and “E-CO-LadleBrick” (within the framework on the European programmes LIFE and RFCS, respectively) will enable Sidenor to reach excellence.

The “5RefrAct”-project, supported by the European Union, is already in progress, and a technical meeting of Sidenor’s multidisciplinary team (representing the Purchase, Environment, Steel Manufacture and R&D departments), which takes part in the project together with Refralia, a producer of refractories and partner to the project in charge of alumina waste recovery, has taken place on April 10th. A similar meeting with the technicians of MAGNA, also a reference refractory company and partner, which develops high added-value products from magnesia waste, took place a few days ago. The University of Malaga, which focuses on the use of LIBS technology for the identification and segregation of various types of refractory waste, and 2.-0 LCA Consultants, which will assess the environmental benefits (Life Cycle Assessment) generated by the implementation of these new developments, are also part of the consortium. A good objective, an adequate approach and the best example of team work in a consortium .