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Home > News  > The CIRMET project, in which Sidenor is one of the main partners, has been approved

The CIRMET project (Innovative and efficient solution, based on modular, versatile, smart process units for energy and resource flexibility in highly energy intensive processes), supported by the HORIZON 2020 framework programme and developed within the framework of the call on Industrial sustainability, has just been approved.

Sidenor participates in this project as “Partner” and the project aims at designing, developing and validating an innovative solution, the CIRMET solution, so as to make energy and resources more flexible in highly energy intensive industries. For this purpose, three main innovations will be applied in combination:

·        Processing of industrial waste in flexible, versatile and modular furnaces,

·        Innovative industrial heat recovery, ensuring energy efficiency

·        Development of a replicable system for advanced control, prediction and optimization.

The CIRMET solution addresses the main challenge of the European industry, that is, the issue of reaching efficiency by means of flexible resources and energy.  These aspects are the cornerstone of competitiveness in the European industry. The efficient use of energy and resources plays a key role in the European task of complying with ambitious environmental objectives.